Must-know tips for drivers in case of a road accident

15 February 2024 | 3 Min Read

Accidents on the road are a common sight for those driving and commuting around Metro Manila. Most of these road accidents could have been prevented, such as driving only while you are sober. Other reasons caused by “human error” include losing control of the car and mechanical problems. 

To help you be ready every time you drive, it’s high time to take note of essential road safety tips, measure your preparedness for road accidents, and know what to do if ever you find yourself in one. 

How prepared are you? 

Keep your driver's license on you each time you drive. Also make sure that your vehicle has the following:

  • Official Receipt and Certificate of Registration (OR/CR) 

  • Early warning device and a reflective vest  

  • First aid kit 

  • Contact numbers of your emergency contacts should rescuers need to reach them 

  • 24/7 roadside assistance of your insurance provider. Also, consider choosing a car insurance plan via the Emma by AXA PH app, which lets you access round-the-clock emergency services for free. 

If you drive more than one car, each one must have its own set of those mentioned above in case of emergencies:

The importance of having car insurance that goes beyond the basics cannot be stressed enough. AXA Philippines has a comprehensive car insurance plan that covers damage to your vehicle either caused by you or another party. You also have the option to protect your vehicle against acts of nature such as typhoon and flood. A comprehensive car insurance policy does not only protect your vehicle but also yourself and your passengers in case of an accident, and of course protects your finances in the event that you damage another property or caused an injury to another person while driving.

Road accidents may cause injuries too. Go with an insurance plan that provides coverage for bodily injury that you may have sustained by you or by another person involved in the accident. 

What to do during a road accident

The safety of the people involved should always come first. If anyone requires emergency medical attention, prioritize that. Call for an ambulance, seek roadside assistance from your insurance provider, or call MMDA 136 or a similar hotline and request for a medical response team.  

If no one is hurt, proceed to inspect your vehicle right away and take photos for reference in investigation and claims. Keep your hazard lights on and block off the spot with cones to alert incoming vehicles.  

Whether it’s a minor or major accident, remaining as calm as possible goes a long way. If another driver is involved, take a short moment to collect yourself first to avoid a heated argument. Remember to get their name and contact details if there are repairs and compensations to discuss. It would also be helpful to get the third party's insurance provider in case of subrogation. 

If it’s a major accident or if negotiating with the other party is impossible, call the MMDA to request traffic personnel on site. Take note of the officer’s name in case you need to mention it in your accident report.   

The MMDA will recommend calling your insurance company right away, while you’re still at the scene of the accident. Clarify what’s covered and what’s not. If you’re covered by AXA’s Comprehensive Car Insurance, you can start processing your claims online right away. Simply upload your OR/CR, driver’s license, and photos showing the damaged portions of the vehicle. Expect to get a response via SMS or email within 48 hours. You may also contact our 24/7 Claims Assistance service if you have any concerns about your claims. It’s available every day, including weekends and holidays. 

Remain on the scene until everything is settled. Depending on the gravity of the accident, the enforcer may request you to file a police report.  

Safe driving and mechanical upkeep

Most road accidents are preventable. Aside from preparing the items listed above, being a responsible driver also means observing traffic rules, maintaining your focus and cool while driving, and making sure your vehicle is well-maintained.  

Know you can game plan your way in case of road accidents with AXA’s comprehensive car insurance. Contact an AXA financial advisor who will be glad to discuss it with you at your convenience. 

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