With many insurance providers offering so many different kinds of products in the market today, choosing the right one can be a challenge. AXA Philippines, one of the leading insurance companies in the country, offers these tips to help you find the right plan.

Know your goals. There are different types of insurance – life, health, educational plans, savings and investments, and those to protect your assets like car and home insurance. If you want security and protection for you and your family in case of untimely death, traditional life insurance is the answer; if you want your child’s education covered until college, then you might want to get an educational plan; if you worry about contracting a serious illness, invest in a health insurance. Know your priorities and have clear goals so it is easier to choose the best type of insurance policy for you. 

Research. Before making any purchase, do research on the insurance company of your choice to know if it is reliable. Most insurance companies provide comprehensive information about themselves. You can read up on a company’s history, network, performance ratings and testimonials from clients to know its track record on payment of benefits. Research will also make you better informed on pricing and policy types that are within your budget.

Budget properly. Purchasing an insurance policy is a fixed, non-negotiable expense and, often, a recurring expense. You may pay the full premium amount, or arrange for premiums to be paid monthly, quarterly or annually, like your phone and electric bills or car payments. Include insurance premiums in your budget.

Talk to a financial expert. Consult a financial advisor and get accurate answers to all your questions regarding insurance. He/she can also recommend the insurance policy suitable for your finances and lifestyle. An AXA financial coach will invite you to undergo the Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) to help you determine your requirements. You can also go through the short version of the service by yourself via www.axa.com.ph/efna.

Let AXA help you choose the right insurance plan for you.

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