Metrobank e-ADA FAQs

1. What are the requirements when enrolling for a Metrobank e-ADA?

•A valid AXA Policy Number.
•The Metrobank Account owner and the Policy Owner should be the same.
•The Metrobank mobile app should be installed on your device, and you should already be a registered user.  
•The chosen payment method in the application should be Auto Debit Arrangement (ADA).
•You must submit a copy of the Proof of Enrollment to your AXA Financial Advisor during the New Business application signing.

•A valid AXA Policy Number
•The Metrobank Account owner and the Policy Owner should be the same.
•The Metrobank mobile app should be installed on your device, and you should already be a registered user.  

2. How to process enrollment in Metrobank e-ADA for New Business and Existing Policies?
•To process enrollment, as the Policy Owner, you must first download the Metrobank mobile app.
•You can process the enrollment on the Metrobank mobile app. (Please refer to the user guide)

3. How will AXA notify me regarding the enrollment status of their Metrobank e-ADA for New Business and Existing Policies?
•An SMS will be sent to you if your Metrobank e-ADA enrollment is successful, rejected, or have pending additional requirements. AXA PH will send confirmation of successful enrollment via the registered mobile number in the AXA PH database, if the enrolled account does not encounter an issue with the following:
⚬In Trust For (ITF) account type

⚬Policy number

Important Note: Bank cut-off time is at 11 pm, online enrollments received beyond 11 pm will be considered part of the following day’s enrollments. The online enrollments report will be forwarded to AXA PH on the following day. Upon receipt of report, AXA PH will validate the enrollments within two (2) working days to confirm that they are complete.

4. If the Metrobank e-ADA enrollment is rejected, how do I submit the correct details for compliance?
•As the Account Owner or Policy Owner, you are responsible for updating the incorrect detail of your Metrobank e-ADA enrollment by disenrolling the incorrect enrollment and re-enrolling again on the Metrobank mobile app.

Note: To disenroll your Metrobank e-ADA, follow these steps:
1. Fill out the disenrollment form by accessing this link: (insert link)
2. Submit the disenrollment form to your Metrobank branch of account.

You may visit or call your Metrobank branch of account for further instructions   when disenrolling.

5. Am I allowed to enroll multiple policies using the same account number for New Business and Existing Policies?
•Yes, provided that you own the policies being enrolled and you are the Metrobank account owner.

6. If my policy status is already surrendered or terminated, will I still be billed for my enrolled ADA?
•No. Given the policy status is already surrendered, fully withdrawn, or the premium holiday has started, the enrolled policy will no longer be included in the next billing period but your account is still enrolled in ADA.

Note: To ensure your ADA enrollment with Metrobank is also cancelled, please submit a Disenrollment Form to your Metrobank Branch of account.

7. I am already enrolled using the manual ADA enrollment, but I prefer to enroll in e-ADA. Do I need to re-enroll again??
•No, there is no need to re-enroll since your bank account is already enrolled. This applies to both New Business and Existing Policies.

8. When will AXA start billing my policy once I successfully enrolled New Business and Existing Policies for ADA?
•Once the policy is issued and the Metrobank e-ADA is confirmed as ENROLLED, the policy will be billed based on the due date of the next billing cycle.
•After the Metrobank e-ADA is confirmed as ENROLLED and the status of the policy is inforce, it will be billed based on the due date of the next billing cycle.

9. If I apply for a Premium Holiday Start, what will happen to  my enrolled account numbers?
•The enrolled account numbers will be cancelled to prevent automatic billing once the account value is exhausted due to Premium Holiday.

Note: To ensure your ADA enrollment with Metrobank is also cancelled, please submit a Disenrollment Form to your Metrobank Branch of account.

10. If I apply for Premium Holiday End, what do I need to do or submit to reactivate my enrolled Metrobank e-ADA account?
•When you submit a request to end your Premium Holiday, you must ensure that you have re-enrolled your Metrobank e-ADA account. This will guarantee that AXA PH will be able to bill your policy and prevent unpaid premiums which is required to re-enroll account:

⚬If the Metrobank e-ADA account is still active, you only need to submit a letter to re-activate the enrollment.
⚬If the Metrobank e-ADA is no longer active, enroll a different account number by submitting a manually signed ADA enrollment form (if you prefer a different bank).
⚬If you have another Metrobank Account, you may enroll again using Metrobank e-ADA mobile app.

11. If my policy has lapsed, can I still enroll my policy in Metrobank e-ADA?
•Yes, Metrobank e-ADA will accept your enrollment. However, AXA PH will not be able to bill your account until your policy has been reinstated.

•You must use your valid Policy Number
•You must indicate your full name in filling up the Subscriber Name or Policy Owner Name. (Do not use ALIAS names)
•Please be reminded that the billing schedule will strictly follow the business rule*.

•Download the Metrobank Mobile app
•You must use your Policy Number
•You must indicate your full name in filling up the Subscriber Name or Policy Owner Name. (Do not use ALIAS names.)
•Please be reminded that the billing schedule will strictly follow the business rule.
•Please await the confirmation of successful enrollment sent by AXA PH via SMS. You must ensure that the phone number that you registered with Metrobank during your enrollment is the same number enrolled in AXA PH.

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