Thinking of getting a car to add a delivery service to your business? Here’s what you should know.

It’s not hard to imagine getting a car as it gets you around easily. As it is convenient transportation, there are more things to consider in owning a car, let alone using it for deliveries for your business. If you’re into baking or arranging flowers, you might be one of the businesswomen considering taking up a delivery service. Bear in mind also that with a delivery service comes the assurance that the quality of your product is kept as it makes its way to your customer’s doorstep.

Now, you might have the financial capability to purchase a vehicle right away or at least pay for the monthly auto loan amortization. But the reality is, you also need to consider certain factors that come with ownership. So, before you decide to get that delivery car, take a look at this list of things to think about:

1. Establish the purpose and need. Clearly define the purpose of the delivery service. Determine if it's for local deliveries, expanding customer reach, or optimizing order fulfillment.

2. Find the right vehicle type and size. Choose a vehicle that suits your specific business needs. Factors like cargo capacity, fuel efficiency, and maneuverability in urban areas should guide your decision.

3. Review budgeting and costs. Evaluate the costs associated with purchasing, operating, and maintaining the vehicle as well as driver payroll.

4. Know the regulations and permits. Research and comply with local regulations related to commercial vehicle operations.

5. Conduct driver training. Ensure that your drivers are properly trained for safe and efficient driving.

6. Get insurance coverage. Obtain the appropriate commercial car insurance to cover your vehicle, drivers, and potential liability in case of accidents or damages during deliveries.

7. Prioritize customer experience. Create positive customer experience by putting into place a seamless delivery process.

8. Listen to feedback and adapt. Gather feedback from customers and drivers regularly to identify areas for improvement.

Considering all of these, if you really think that delivery car’s worth getting, go for it. Just make sure it’s well-maintained and protected from the unexpected. Also, consider getting AXA's car insurance to help boost your safety and peace of mind when it comes to your hard-earned assets.

Know you can game plan your way to your business goals. Contact an AXA financial advisor to learn more about getting car insurance in the Philippines.

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